Whenever you create a presentation, you put a lot of time and effort into it. You are looking to create a lasting memory with your audience. Such a memory is the start of the impact you make. Thanks to a positive or touching memory, you can contribute. That is the only way your listeners will make other or better decisions thanks to your presentation. Your impact will come forward in the way in which they remember you and your message.
The question is, therefore, what it is exactly that you need to create memories. Think about it: what do you remember after a presentation during an event, seminar, workshop, training or meeting? Not that much, right?
Something new! Introduce new information to keep stimulating the brain. In the book ‘Talk like Ted’, author Carmine Gallo this ‘Novelty’.
Something surprising! Use an element that the audience won’t expect. In that way, their brains will remain stimulated. You can choose to create interaction with your audience.
Something amazing! Present content that creates emotional impact, humour, a tear and amazement. Think about how you can work on the senses. Smell? Taste? At the Food Inspiration Days they do this during all their events!
Primers! Give their brains a base. Brains like to know on what they can anticipate. Therefore, guide your audience by offering a structure and prepare them on what is to come. This, too, will help to hold their attention and help them remember your content.
Change! Vary in content. Use both audio (play a sound fragment) and moving images (cinemagraphs). Maybe we need to introduce theater into the business setting a little more. Bring content alive and trigger your audience’s brains. A good example is that of the new year’s presentation by Guide Weijers.
We at Present Savvy always say: ‘the art and science of a successful presentation’ exists of a perfect balance between content (message), design (the shape) and delivery (presenter).
The CONTENT of a presentation can be compared to a delicate dish that consists of neatly composed taste combinations that amaze you. You also expect a dish to be arranged surprisingly and served on a complimentary plate. The way in which the table is set and what choices have been made when it comes to the colour and quality of cutlery, tableware, glasses and linen. Everything has been given lots of thought. That can be compared to the DESIGN of your presentation.
Je verwacht natuurlijk ook dat het gerecht verrassend is opgemaakt en op een complementair bord wordt geserveerd. De manier waarop je tafel is ingedekt en welke keuze gemaakt is qua kleur & kwaliteit van bestek, servies, glaswerk en linnen; over alles is nagedacht. Dat is te vergelijken met het DESIGN van je presentatie.
The DELIVERY – and that’s where the presenter comes in, the host or hostess. The one that makes use of the vibe and the surroundings, takes the type of guest into account. The presenter brings his/her unique star content to the table. It is the determining factor when it comes to the entire experience. The best food (content) in the prettiest restaurant on the nicest plate does not taste good when the host/hostess is not fit for his/her profession. DELIVERY = key.
The (presentation) experience has to be complete to create actual impact. The gift when you leave is the last memory you create. To create an entire experience, you have to work the senses, call on emotions, create balance and do all of that on a star level.
In this blog, we will take you through the different types of presentations that are important for your business
PRESENTATIE TRENDS & tools 2022. Het eind van 2022 is in zicht. Dat betekent dat het tijd is om, zoals we ieder jaar doen, onze
In deze blog nemen we je mee door de verschillende soorten presentaties tools die belangrijk zijn voor je bedrijf of jezelf!
Present Savvy | Savvy Lab
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