As a presentation boutique studio, we take staying up-to-date of new developments within the world of presentations very seriously. We’re continuously looking out for trends, tools and developments that are valuable for creating an unforgettable presence. And we have found yet another one… In this blog, we will tell you everything about this tool to watch, Drawify.
Drawify is a presentation platform on which you can find handmade illustrations. With a database of more than 12.000 different illustrations, you can get started with an illustrated design for various visual communication methods. Yes, also - maybe especially - as a non-designer. Drawify works with a whole lot of different illustrators, which is why you will find lots of different drawing styles on the platform. In this way, you can really choose illustrations in a style that matches you and your company/organization. How convenient!Â
You can use Drawify in a number of different ways, which is what makes the tool so useful. There are pre-made templates that you can work with, for example for visualizing an idea or strategie, a schedule for a team meeting, social post, storyboard and various models and diagrams. You can also integrate your own illustrations, logo or pictures in designs. Additionally, the platform can now be used in combination with other tools as well. A Drawify-plugin has been developed for Miro, an online collaboration tool that we wrote about earlier on. Thanks to the plug-in, you can enrich your online brainstorm or collaborative document with more than 750 fitting illustrations without cost.
Heel tof natuurlijk, zo’n tool die het mogelijk maakt om illustraties te gebruiken in je visuele uitingen. Zeker als je zelf niet zo’n goede tekenaar bent. Maar waarom zou je nu eigenlijk illustraties en/of tekeningen gebruiken in je visuals? Ze stimuleren ons om visueel te denken! En visueel denken zorgt er weer voor dat informatie beter in ons brein wordt opgeslagen. Door illustraties en tekeningen te gebruiken in bijvoorbeeld vergaderingen, rapporten en documenten zorg je ervoor dat concepten die in eerste instantie misschien abstract of niet tastbaar lijken, juist tot leven komen. Zo zorg je er dus voor dat je publiek – jouw eigen werknemers of misschien (potentiële) stakeholders – langer geboeid blijven en dat jouw boodschap beter aankomt.
You can get started with Drawify to make illustrations work for you. But we can also help you! Do you want to upgrade a presentation or another visual with illustrations? Let us know so we can examine the possibilities together.
Do all these illustrations trigger you to get drawing yourself or do you want to challenge your team creatively? You can really start working on them yourself with our workshop Visual Thinking. During the workshop, we will teach you how to think visually and put that skill to use during company meetings to work in the most efficient, clear and creative way. You can find all the information about the workshop here.
In this blog, we will take you through the different types of presentations that are important for your business
PRESENTATIE TRENDS & tools 2022. Het eind van 2022 is in zicht. Dat betekent dat het tijd is om, zoals we ieder jaar doen, onze
In deze blog nemen we je mee door de verschillende soorten presentaties tools die belangrijk zijn voor je bedrijf of jezelf!
Present Savvy | Savvy Lab
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