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We like to work ‘The Savvy Way’: memorable, exclusive and personal
Whatever you do, you want to make a positive impact on your surroundings. You can be seen, you can stand out, you’ve got presence. That’s why we do things The Savvy Way.
People remember very little of what they’re told during a presentation. Even worse, they forget about 90% of the information that they have received. Because of our innovative, inventive, witty and specialistic approach – called The Savvy Way – we make sure that your audience doesn’t remember just something, but remembers exactly what you want to teach them. Which 10% do you want them to remember?
Our methodology – The Savvy Way of doing things – relies on three essential pillars. These pillars have been established thanks to the knowledge and skills we have gained over the last couple of years. The combination of these pillars and your business goals can ensure that when you are on stage, you make the impact that you have envisioned.
A presentation consists of more than simply the story you tell. Your presentation falls and rises with the way in which you convey that story. The key to success, therefore, is finding the perfect balance between the content of your story, the visual support you rely on (design), and the way in which you deliver the story.
What is the message and who is it meant for? Memorable content gives the audience something to think about. Content which helps the message stick. Your content has to ensure that your audience will keep listening to what you want to tell them from start to finish and make sure that they won’t forget afterwards. What do you want to convey and which striking, distinguishing elements can you highlight to address your audience? You could compare the content of a presentation with a refined dish with well thought-out taste combinations that surprise and amaze you.
Which shape, which tool do you choose to convey your message? Your message becomes even more memorable when you make sure that it is supported by strong visual and physical tools. Eye-catching, obvious and distinguishing (visual) material contributes to telling an unforgettable story. To boost your content, you constantly decide on colours, shapes, image/audio, fonts and all other details that contribute to an impactful experience. After all, a three-star dinner isn’t complete without the perfect presentation on matching china.
How can you convey your message with impact? The ‘delivery’ – literally delivering your message – is the all-decisive factor in the total experience. The most beautiful story in the most gorgeous setting won’t make an impact if the storyteller doesn’t understand that aspect of his profession. The speaker will have to make sure that the story is conveyed in a tempting way and the audience can’t get enough of what he or she is telling them. To do so, a speaker senses the ambiance, the surroundings and the type of person that is sitting in front of them. The presenter will serve the unique three Michelin-star content at the table.
The (presentation) experience should be complete to actually make an impact. To create a total experience, you need to stimulate the sense, evoke emotion and create balance. And all of that at the highest possible level. The last words in or look of your presentation might be the last memory your audience has of you. Potentially, it is the last gift that you can give them. Therefore, you have to make sure that everything is right, from A to Z; that every smallest detail receives the most attention. Then you are handling things The Savvy Way!
This methodology is applicable to all aspects of our lives in which we want to make an impact and present ourselves memorably. For example, when you have to give an important pitch presentation to investors, when you have to give a webinar for your students, when you are presenting your plans to your employees or when you reel in an important tender via a livestream. All of these moments rely on your presence, the impact that you make on your audience. Your presence is a present.
You can convey your presence in lots of different ways. We like to do things ‘The Savvy Way’ because that ensures that you distinguish yourself. Everyone can give webinars, but The Savvy Way makes sure, thanks to the right innovative tool and a unique design, that each and every moment of your presence is memorable.
Can we challenge you to approach your presence differently and take it to the next level?
With the hotel sector in our genes, we want to and can’t live differently than with the beautiful rules and values of hospitality. Each guest and each guest moment is unique. That’s how we view our clients. We empathise, think of the best fit every time. That’s how we provide the best and most unique ideas with a stage.
Customarily providing for the wishes of guests requires experience, finesse and the right tools. Our five-star experience isn’t about linen and silver chandeliers, per se. It is about our dedication and effort to create the matching experience. Where your expectations and unspoken desires suddenly get fulfilled and exceeded, that is where we have come into play. In our eyes, that is worth five stars. We’re not a chain that offers the same cup of coffee day in, day out. We like the experience customized to the person, such as how a boutique hotel provides for her guests: small, personally, with attention to the smallest details and with a recognizable face.
Design Manager
Label Manager
Creative designer
Creative Designer
Creative Designer
Trainee | Creative Designer
Trainee | Creative Designer
Design Manager
Marketeer | Data analist
Label Manager
Creative Designer
Creative Designer
A boutique presentation studio like Present Savvy is exclusive and unique, both for national and international clients. Everything we deliver is personally customized and we always strive to exceed expectations. We are a studio with a reply; we dig deep, because we want to understand your message. We ask critical questions and advise on fitting tools that balances the match between message, target audience and investment.
As a boutique presentation studio, we are always looking to push the boundaries of innovation within the world of presentation (design), in order to make your presence memorable. We at Present Savvy are, therefore, curious to ways in which we can innovate and make a distinction, as a company, team and human being. Whether we work with a Prezi presentation, PowerPoint (templates) or give a completely new twist to your presentation, the result will undoubtedly ensure that you can stand in front of your audience confidently and that you can convey your message clearly and with the desired impact. Let’s make it memorable.
We believe in the power of doing what you are good at. Therefore, we not only work on the basis of our own expertise, but we also regularly collaborate with our partners. By building an inner circle - namely a network of experts and specialists.
Savvy Department consists of thinkers and doers who can support you in the process from conception to execution of various marketing and design activities. They help your company to present itself in a powerful, careful and inspiring way.
This company trains and coaches speakers to become (better) speakers. According to Speakers Club is een spreker pas succesvol op het podium wanneer zij drie elementen beheersen: content (inhoud), design (PowerPoint, Prezi, o.i.d.) en delivery (de performance zelf).
A digital agency with more than 100 creative people on the digital frontier. They support us in the digital landscape that changes every day. To make sure we are and stay on top of the game, we bring in expertise from certain clients (we call them colleagues ;-).
This video production company makes your dreams come true (in the field of video production, of course). With their knowledge and profession, they know how to turn your ideas into images and make them even better than you imagined. BKN is versatile: from advertising videos and campaign to product photography and pitch videos.
Don Vos with his company Flerque has been working with Present Savvy for years. He is fast in building WordPress websites, always available for challenges or changes and is a reliable hosting partner.
Competence Factory is a training institute in Utrecht. Competence Factory organises education and training on the cutting edge of creation, strategy and technology.
Malik Ivan with his company Illustrategie Ensures that visions and/or strategies are brought to life in images, e.g. in the form of a talking plate, visual minutes or animation.
Pascalle Karthaus is a graphic recorder and illustrator who creates animations and drawn business models and is brilliant at visual note-taking during workshops and/or meetings and drawing stop-motion videos.
YOM biedt met innovatieve technieken een waardevolle toevoeging voor de wereld van (virtueel) presenteren en we noemen hen dan ook graag onze partner.
YOM “the infrastructure enabling you to create, deploy and manage your own metaverse”.
Write with Rachels, Rachel can write all kinds of texts: from blogs and website texts to brochures, tender texts, newsletters, social media texts and whitepapers - you name it.
Present Savvy | Savvy Lab
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Victor is onze disruptor, jouw creatieve visualiser. Victor heeft vaak uitbarstingen van gekke ideeën en kreten en weet hoe je indruk maakt op jouw klanten met creatieve ideeën. Zijn creativiteit komt ook tot uiting in de muziek die hij maakt: Victor is producer, songwriter en kan zingen en rappen.
Ricardo houdt van structuur en heeft een passie voor online marketing en analytics. Hij heeft onlangs een nieuwe passie gevonden, Ricardo heeft namelijk talent voor het maken van video’s voor social media. Hij is erg zelfstandig en heeft weinig nodig om aangezwengeld te worden.
Mandy is onze marketing- en designstrateeg, jouw sparpartner. Mandy denkt letterlijk in plaatjes en visualiseert ideeën waar je bij staat. Zij zal meedenken over strategie en je procesmatig begeleiden. Haar achtergrond in hospitality zorgt er ook voor dat ze een passie heeft voor wijn en gastvrijheid.
Leonie is onze savvy designer, jouw content visualiser. Leonie heeft veel kennis van de Adobeprogramma’s (ja, zelfs van After Effects) en is vliegensvlug met PowerPoint en Prezi. Onze underboss is sociaal, bescheiden en weet vaak niet van ophouden: ze stopt niet tot het goed is.