Online presentations in your branding
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Online presentations are very important, especially in this world and in these current times. From webinars and online training sessions to online educational presentations. But how do you create a memorable online presentation? Do you keep on using PowerPoint? Or is Prezi Video a better tool for creating and giving effective online presentations? We can help you make your online presentation as memorable and effective as your live presentation.
We also offer the Online Presenting workshops.
Prezi Video is the tool for creating and giving online presentations. When you give a presentation with Prezi Video, you are a part of your own presentation design: you are practically floating between the presentation elements that have been created to convey your story with. Because of this, you are visible on full screen for your audience. You can record your Prezi Video prior to the presentation and send it your audience as a video or broadcast it live. Prezi Video works with various video conference software, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, YouTube Live and more.
Are you giving an online presentation soon or do you want to record a presentation and send it as a video? We can create you a custom Prezi Video: in your branding with supporting visuals to empower your story. By now, we have experience with creating Prezi Video’s for various professional speakers, educational institutions and companies.
Prefer old-time friend PowerPoint to Prezi Video? That is also an option, of course. If you really want to emphasize the visuals, your presentation, then this is probably the best choice for you.
Do you want to have a PowerPoint made for online use? We will help you think about the content and how we can best develop this visually for you based on your organisation’s house style.
An attractive presentation design will get you quite far when it comes to online presentations. However, presenting online is different from presenting in real life. Using Prezi Video via Zoom or Microsoft Teams is not as easy as you thought it would be and your audience will tune out quicker than in real life… We have given tips for online presenting in one of your blogs. But we can also give a short hands-on presentation training on online presenting.
If you or your employees/colleagues need an explanation on how to use Prezi Video or how to present online in the best quality (think use of voice, image and sound quality, interaction), we can give a short online presentation training to you and/or your organisation.
Present Savvy | Savvy Lab
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