Need help with your interactive PowerPoint?
An Interactive PowerPoint
VMN Media is one of the largest B2B publishing houses in the Netherlands. With their productions – including Onroerend Goed Journaal and Misset Horeca – they are active in 16 industries. Their mission is to help working Dutchies, make sure they keep on learning and keep them up to date on all ins and outs of their industries.
With lots of different clients within lots of different industries, is has been quite some challenge for VMN Media to combine the options that they offer their clients in one presentation. They did want this possibility, to make pitching to potential clients much easier and they can easily switch between examples from various industries without it becoming too overwhelming. They wanted to do so, but not with a standard PowerPoint format.
We started by working with our presentation canvas. With this, we collectively decided which content needed to be highlighted in the presentation and which target group to address. Based on this, we decided to communicate based on specific cases in the presentation by making it interactive.
Leen Berckmans
Ebema NV
An interactive PowerPoint presentation that enables VMN Media to show specific cases based on the needs of their audience. To do so, we designed all domains concerning all industries and made them interactive by making them clickable.... If a potential client wants to know more about a certain industry, you can click it and you will go to the corresponding slides and find more related information. It has become a sizeable but adaptable presentation. The presentation is designed in the new branding in infographic style. We also created context in the design by using mock-up images, as well as designing industry-specific icons.
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Present Savvy | Savvy Lab
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