How do you start when giving a successful (educational) presentation?
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In recent years, Present Savvy has regularly collaborated with various educational institutions, including colleges and universities, to raise presentations and information within schools to a higher level.
Giving a good presentation, where does it all start? We believe that education plays a major role in shaping the world of presentations. After all, not only do teachers use presentations in education to pass on (their) knowledge to their students, but students/pupils are also taught how to give presentations. And in our opinion, there is still a great deal of room for improvement here... Time to make (giving) presentations and information more fun, better and more valuable to both teachers and students!
Through various creative (online) presentation concepts, including Prezi Video, Canva en Visme, we, as presentation specialists, ensure that education is challenged to keep students engaged and inspired with memorable presentations and information.
Schools, companies and institutions to which we were able to contribute:
For students, teachers and/or educators
The presentatievaardigheden van je studenten, docenten en/of voorlichters verbeteren? Dat kan met zowel een online als een offline workshop Presentation Design For Non-Designers en/of een Prezi-training!
Zou je de studenten binnen jouw onderwijsinstelling een module of minor ‘presentatieskills’ willen laten volgen? Dan hebben wij goed nieuws: wij hebben een geweldige samenwerking met de Speakers Club. Hierbij werken we samen met professionele sprekers, die vanuit hun eigen expertise lesgeven aan studenten. We zetten de studenten op een podium – met écht publiek – en laten ze een ware sprekerservaring beleven. Interesse in een ‘presentatieskills’ module? Neem dan vooral contact met ons op.
Present Savvy | Savvy Lab
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