Ensuring as much interaction with your viewers as possible is very efficient for a presenter, of course. A presenter can easily record a presentation and share it offline with the viewer. But we currently live in a time where people want to know more, and, therefore, are more curious and really tend to lean towards (or crave for) more interaction. This is a real trend when it comes to the world of presentations. Presentation tool Canva has launched a new feature, Canva Live. This feature enables you to involve the audience during a live broadcast. The audience can ask questions and place comments in the presenter’s display directly from their computers or other desired devices. The posted questions and comments become visible to the whole audience. These can be displayed during classroom lessons, brainstorm sessions, meetings and more.
By enabling live chatting through Canva Live, communicating with others becomes much easier. Participating and leaving the chats is just a click away. Asking questions or adding comments is a breeze with this program.
By introducing this way of presenting live, Canva also enables live chatting simultaneously. It is a smart way to increase the interaction by simply merging two commonly used elements. Turns out two non-original inventions can become quite an original invention when combined.
In the beginning of the year, Prezi launched a new innovation: Prezi Design. Prezi Design is a great tool that professionalizes your creations in a heartbeat. They work with a virtual canvas, allowing you to be even more creative and collaborate online. You can give your viewers a better and more creative picture of the message you want to convey. The designs can be created dynamically and there are many interactive designs you can choose from. You can use your designs (such as infographics) in your presentations to effectively present all your beautifully designed data. Besides Prezi Video, this is certainly a tool we use a lot.
Prezi Design is an easy-to-use tool because they provide various tutorials on their website. There is a lot of information on the website and I find it easy to find, add and modify things in Prezi Design. The different templates also make the designing process more fun and give you a shove in the right (creative) direction.
With Prezi Design, it is possible to add infographics, posters, social media posts, reports and an original pdf-document, on which you can unleash your own creativity. Prezi Design also offers hundreds of templates and useful tools to choose from. Prezi Design brings your own content to life.
With Maglr, you can create eye-catching interactive content. With this special presentation tool, your message is conveyed to your readers through various devices in an attractive way. Maglr has divided sharing your story into three different solutions: online magazines, interactive quotations and sales presentations. This makes Maglr a more business-oriented tool, although it still enables you to be incredibly creative. We have often worked with Maglr ourselves.
With Piktochart, you can easily and very quickly create visuals. It’s so simple that you can use it right away. The templates that you can choose from within this tool are created by various experts. Create inspiring presentations with this convenient design tool and involve your audience in a better way.
Tijdens deze pandemie zijn veel sociale en zakelijke interacties overgegaan op online. Dit is een nieuwe manier om contact maken en houden met elkaar een stuk leuker en effectiever te maken. Het behouden van zakelijke relaties zijn daarbij natuurlijk niet minder belangrijk. Nog meer reden om een krachtige presentatie te geven aan klanten en collega’s.
The (presentation) tools we chose and tested were assessed on three aspects: user-friendliness, possibilities and innovation. Actually, it is difficult to compare these tools with each other, because Canva Live and Prezi Design, for example, do something completely different. Nevertheless, we did choose two favorites from these five tools: Prezi Design and Mmhmm. Both tools offer a lot of possibilities and are very innovative and easy to use! We also use Prezi Design on a regular basis. With these handy programs we try to help our customers even better with creating beautiful presentations and other visuals. Do you want help with this, or do you want tips? Then please contact us using the contact form. Then we will make a (Zoom) appointment without any obligation. And sign up for the newsletter to stay informed for part 2 of this blog.
In this blog, we will take you through the different types of presentations that are important for your business
PRESENTATIE TRENDS & tools 2022. Het eind van 2022 is in zicht. Dat betekent dat het tijd is om, zoals we ieder jaar doen, onze
In deze blog nemen we je mee door de verschillende soorten presentaties tools die belangrijk zijn voor je bedrijf of jezelf!
Present Savvy | Savvy Lab
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