In de competitieve bedrijfswereld van vandaag is het vermogen om krachtig en overtuigend te presenteren aan directeuren en managementteams essentieel. Wat is de verwachting van de kwaliteit nu we Midjourney en Chat GPT hebben? Mogen we nog met witte slides en bullets presenteren?  Of het nu gaat om het verkrijgen van goedkeuring voor een nieuw project of het beïnvloeden van strategische beslissingen, je presentatie kan het verschil maken tussen succes en falen door een goede, memorabele presentatie. In deze blog nemen we je mee in de verschillende presentatiesoorten die belangrijk zijn voor jouw zakelijke  (presentatie) presence; hoe zien die presentaties eruit en welke soort gebruik je wanneer? 


Presentaties voor jouw bedrijf

Even though you present all sorts of things throughout the day, most presentations you give will be business-related. Perhaps you’re running a company or starting a company. That means that you will often have to present yourself and your (new) company in various shapes. Or maybe your job requires you to regularly give presentations, whether you are self-employed or work for an employer. Either way, it is useful to know what types of presentations exist and what you can use them for. The most important thing, after all, is to have your presence serve your purpose. That’s why we’re discussing all of the (business) presentation types that can help you and your business grow. Besides these, there are several that we’re not discussing explicitly, but which are important as well. You will find those at the end of the blog!

Presentation type 1.

Elevator pitch

When you think of a presentation, you might think of a slide show with an extensive story. But have you ever realized that the most appealing and exciting presentations (and, often, the hardest) are super short? In this case, it is an elevator pitch.


An elevator pitch is a short presentation of a concept of idea that is meant to communicate this concept/idea to the target audience in a clear and concise way. On average, an elevator pitch lasts only 40 seconds. Why it’s called an elevator pitch? Because you should be able to pitch your concept/idea during a ride on an elevator. An elevator pitch is a super important presentation, but it can help you leave a first impression with someone that could mean a lot to you.


There are different kinds of pitches that can be distinguished, such as an investor pitch (see next bullet), sales pitch (see further below) or a network pitch. The type of pitch obviously determines the set-up and style of your presentation. Nathalie Mangelaar from the PitchAcademy states: “A pitch is not a monologue, but the start of a dialogue”.

The structure

A typical in-company presentation consists of:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you do and why? How are you solving the problem you are trying to solve?
  • What is your Unique Selling Point? What distinguishes you from your competitors?
  • What is the call-to-action? What do you want people to do with this information (do you want them to visit your website or contact you)?

Tips for creating an elevator pitch

1. Keep an eye on the clock

You know that an elevator pitch can’t last too long when you start on it. Therefore, make sure you are well-prepared and always keep an eye on the clock. Set a timer whilst practicing and train yourself to end the pitch within a minute. That allows you to set apart main aspects from secondary aspects in your pitch and make it as powerful as possible.

2. Make it personal

You obviously want to practice your pitch often, but you don’t want your story to come across like you have learned it by heart. Therefore, teach yourself to remember the most important points and, in that way, at least share the most important information. If somebody is interested, they will ask for more information, anyway. Also, working with keywords allows you the flexibility to anticipate on the person to whom you’re giving your elevator pitch, which makes it even more personal.

3. Try to connect to your audience

Make sure you speak clearly, try to connect to your audience and make sure that you concisely share the most important aspects of your pitch. In that way, you will not stress out as easily and you can be your charming self whilst presenting your concept/idea to someone.


A pitch presentation or elevator pitch serves to inform, but above all to convince (potential) customers or investors. A pitch presentation should be short and powerful. You want to tell your audience a lot in little time and convince them. You only have one chance and so it is very important to leave a memorable impression with your pitch presentation. We have helped many organizations to successful pitch decks (the PowerPoint or Prezi presentation). Read here how we can help you.

Presentation type 2.

Investor pitch

Another very important presentation is the investor pitch. Giving a presentation can be nerve-wrecking, but there is probably no presentation that will make you sweat like the investor pitch. Even the most experienced presenters think this is a tense presentation to give, and with good reason.

An investor pitch is a short presentation that you give to potential investors. The purpose of this type of presentation is to gain investments for your (starting) business to be able to bring your concept/idea to life. So, there is quite a lot that depends on this presentation. A good example of investor pitches are television programmes such as Shark Tank or Dragon’s Den, in which the participants pitch their ideas to super-wealthy investors.

The structure

A typical investor pitch consists of:

  • A short introduction in which you introduce yourself and describe the problem that you want to solve with your concept/idea;

  • A description of the problem, target audience and need for a solution for this problem;

  • The presenting of the solution; what will you offer the target audience to solve their problem?

  • An elaboration of the advantages for the investors; what’s in it for them? What will investing in your business provide them with? What are the expected revenues and what is your USP?

Tips for creating an investor pitch

1. Present based on data

Bluntly put, you’re asking investors to invest money in your idea or business. And it’s often not about a small amount of money. Therefore, make sure you’re not just extremely confident, but also substantiate why you’re a solid investment. Make sure you are very prepared and have your business plans ready to turn in (perhaps even before the actual pitch). That will help you get started!

2. Create urgency

As a (starting) entrepreneur with an excellent idea, you have the potential for exponential growth. Make sure investors realize that and show them what they’d be missing if they don’t invest in your plans. The last thing they want is to miss out on such a great opportunity, so convince them with your charms, data and business plans and make them realize that you’re sitting on a gold mine.


A pitch presentation or investors pitch serves to inform (potential) customers or investors, but above all to convince them. A pitch presentation should be short and powerful. You want to tell your audience a lot in little time and convince them. You only have one chance and so it is very important to leave a memorable impression with your pitch presentation. We have already helped organizations to successful pitch decks (thePowerPoint or Prezi presentation).

Presentation type 3.

Sales presentation

Whilst running your business, you will have to present your products/services to potential customers/clients quite regularly. In other words, you need a sales presentation, in which you convince your potential customer/client of the value you can offer them.

A sales presentation often is a short presentation that will lead to a dialogue between you and your potential customer/client. Its purpose is to present your added value and start a collaboration with the client based on that. The presentation is often based on the strategy you work by. This is an important presentation, both for companies’ sales employees and self-employed/entrepreneurs.

The structure

A typical sales presentation consists of:

  • Research you have done beforehand to find out what your potential customer/client is looking for. You can use this information to personalize your presentation to the need of your customer. What is his/her pain and/or need? Don’t start with yourself as the focus, but strive to connect with your client.
  • A pitch, during which you will present your product/service to the client. You explain what you have to offer and how you will be able to help your client with it. You also explain why the client should opt for you, instead of your competitors.
  • A concluding conversation during which you answer questions the client might have and, in this way, tackle any worries. That will contribute to actually making the sale.

Tips for creating a sales presentation

1. Create an experience

People don’t just like sharing stories, they like to listen to them, too. By connecting a story to what you are trying to sell, you’re not just creating an experience to which people can relate, but you’re also ensuring that they’ll remember. Therefore, use storytelling in your presentation.

2. Convince them of your worth

The purpose of the presentation is to enhance the probability of the sale, not to mislead people. The most important thing is to convince them of your worth (or the worth of your product/service) and give them a realistic view of what you can mean to them. You can convince them by showing them example cases, with which you will show how you tackled this in other projects.

3. Believe in your product/service

If you completely believe in your product/service and have faith that this can truly help your client, the client will believe so faster. Therefore, make sure you have full confidence in yourself and in what you’re selling, because the other will feel that quicker as well and will easier decide in your favour.


Presentation type 4.

In-company presentation

This is probably the most common type of presentation there is. Everybody has had to present their plans, a new product, a new way of working or the data to a colleague or department on a regular basis.

The purpose of an in-company presentation is often not just sharing information, but also ensuring that everybody within the company is facing the same way and motivating the colleagues and/or your team. Still, people often tend to spend less time on in-company presentations. You might open PowerPoint and slowly build your story based on bullet points.

Because there are many differences concerning the content of in-company presentations, we will discuss the general structure and some corresponding tips.

The structure

A typical in-company presentation consists of:

  • A strong opening, such as a quote, anecdote or story
  • An overview of everything that will be discussed during the presentation

Tips for creating an in-company presentation

1. Be well-prepared

Ensure that you take plenty of time to prepare well. Your team’s/colleagues’ time is valuable. Make sure that you’re worth listening to. This is about respecting another’s time. For each presentation, whether it is long or short, invest at least 1 to 2 hours.

2. Engage your audience

Avoid a monologue without interaction. Even though it might be out of your comfort zone to check with the audience whether they’re still with you halfway, it is crucial for your presentation’s success. Come up with some moments of variation. Our brains like structure, but they like surprises, as well. Surprises help us to remember better. So, make that joke, incorporate a poll (with Metimeter, for example) and close with a core message and a call to action. What’s in it for them? What is in it for them?

3. Pay attention to the design

In-company presentations are known for being boring and tedious. But you want to grasp people with your plans and motivate them. Therefore, give your design a surprising twist, by working with a new tool or updating the lay-out, for example. In this way, employees will be triggered for a longer time and, therefore, will remember more of the message you’re conveying.


Presentation type 5.

Online presentation

Online presentaties zijn – in deze wereld en vooral in deze tijd – van enorm belang. Van webinars en online cursussen tot online onderwijs, na Covid-19 worden er heel veel presentaties online gegeven. De doelen van online presentaties kunnen dan ook heel divers zijn, maar het belangrijkste doel is om informatie te delen en contact te houden met jouw klant, student, leidingegeven, collega of medewerker, ook al kun je niet altijd de emotie/verbinding ervaren.

The structure

A typical in-company presentation consists of:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you do and why? How are you solving the problem you are trying to solve?
  • What is your Unique Selling Point? What distinguishes you from your competitors?
  • What is the call-to-action? What do you want people to do with this information (do you want them to visit your website or contact you)?

Tips for creating an online presentation


Wat ga je eigenlijk delen? Ga je informeren, inspireren, gewoon uit de losse pols? Wie vergeet voor te bereiden, bereid vergeten te worden. Dus wat is je verhaal, wel 

2. Onder zoeke nieuwe presentatie tools

Did you know that it’s no longer necessary to share your screen with your PowerPoint presentation with your audience? Nowadays, there are lots of cool, innovative tools that are perfect for giving an online presentation. How about Prezi Video, mmhmm or Canva Live? Explore these tools and what they have to offer and find out which matches the shape and purpose of your presentation best.

3. HOu verbinding met je publiek

Surprise your audience by structuring your presentation in a different way. Ensure there is enough variety to constantly trigger your audience. Also, you can make sure that they stay engaged by working with polls, quizzes and opening the chat and regularly asking them questions they can answer. In that way, you give the audience a sense of joining a live experience and you will keep them on the edge of their seats longer.


Online presentations are, in this world and at all at this time hugely important. From webinars and online training to online teaching. But how do you actually create a memorable online presentation? Are you still using PowerPoint? Or is Prezi Video a better tool for creating and delivering effective online presentations? We can help you make your online presentation as memorable and effective as your live presentation.

Presentation type 6.


Since we spend a lot of time online and mainly work from home, more and more presentations take place online. A good example is the ever-growing popularity of the webinar; an online seminar.

A webinar is an online presentation, seminar or lecture that is presented via video software. You don’t need to be present at a location, you can view the webinar from the comfort of your own home. Webinars are used for many different purposes, such as launching a new product/service, generating leads and making a name for yourself. During a webinar, the faces of the audience are often not visible to the host. The interaction takes place via the chat, polls or, every now and then, by (co)host invitation.

The structure

A typical webinar consists of:

  • An introduction in which the host introduces the theme of the webinar and provides an overview of the webinar’s program.

  • The presentation of the content of the webinar. This can be all sorts of things; from educational content to information on a new product/service, depending on the purpose of the webinar.

  • A call-to-action, with which the host invites participants to take a certain action as a conclusion to the webinar. This can be to purchase a product/service or to subscribe to a mailing list.

  • A Q&A moment during which the host will answer the participants’ question to provide more clarity on the content of the webinar and build a personal connection with the participants (which will lead to more conversion).

Tips for creating a webinar

1. Create an attractive design

Obviously, a webinar solely takes place online. That makes it harder to connect with your target audience than when you can actually look them in the eye. Therefore, ensure you use an attractive design for your presentation. In that way, you stimulate participants to keep watching and convey your message in a better way. Maximize the number of slides to keep varying every minute so people must keep paying attention. Also, you can best use a tool that allows you as a host to remain visible, such as Prezi Video or mmhmm.

2. Think of different devices

You are probably going to give your presentation from your desktop. But that doesn’t mean that everybody is watching via desktop. Therefore, make sure your presentation is still viewable for those that are watching from a different device, such as a tablet or smartphone. Otherwise, they might quit watching before they are convinced of the value of your webinar.

3. Don’t forget to do a test run

Since your webinar will solely take place online, it is wise to do a test run beforehand. After all, it would be a shame if your message is not clear due to technical difficulties, especially if you would have been able to prevent them. So, do a test run to check all technology to prevent people from tuning out.

4. Provide interaction

A webinar is not a type of presention during which you are purely sending information. On the contrary, a webinar is a type of presentation during which it is important to create interaction with the audience. Often, the audience is not visible during the webinar, so having interaction allows you as a host to check how the audience is responding. Via the chat function, with polls or with a co-host, you can interact with your audience.

5. Find out what is the right software tool for you

There are various software tools that provide you with the possibility to host a webinar. But every tool has its pros and cons. Therefore, make sure you pick a tool that fits you, your webinar and your needs. The tool should match the purpose of your webinar, so, do your research and pick the tool that fits best.


Presentation type 7.


A presentation type that is perfect for sharing lots of knowledge/information is the lecture or seminar.

A lecture or seminar is a presentation during which learning material is shared, often supported by visual aids. Lectures and seminars are often given to large groups, such as within educational institutions or large (academic) organizations. During this type of presentation, usually, a specific topic is thoroughly elaborated on and, sometimes, discussed. In these cases, the presenter is responsible for providing knowledge and structuring and leading the discussions that are being held.

The structure

A typical lecture/seminar consists of:

  • An introduction during which the presenter is introduced and the topics of the lecture/seminar are shortly introduced.
  • A presentation during which knowledge on the topic of the lecture/seminar is shared.
  • A discussion during which participants can discuss on the topic amongst themselves.

Tips for creating a lecture/seminar

1. Be well-prepared

When you are presenting complicated, complex material, it is paramount that you fully understand what you are presenting. Also, it can be useful to check at what moment you will be presenting, because this can have an impact on the way you can best address your audience. A lecture on Monday morning will be easier for the target audience to digest than one on Friday afternoon, when their heads are already filled with information.

2. Create slides for the audience

The slides you use are serving the audience, they should not be a cheat sheet for you. Your audience will have to digest a lot of information during the presentation, so don’t put too much on your slides. After all, you want them to stick with you. Therefore, go for visualizations and don’t use any unnecessary images and/or illustrations. We are communicators, not decorators: the presentation shouldn’t be just ‘pretty’, it should serve your purpose.

3. Anticipate to your audience

For every presentation, it is wise to anticipate to your audience and the space that you find yourself in. One group can be very vivid, while another can be very shy, so adapt to that. Also, it can be useful to adapt your material to the target audience, especially when you offer room for discussion amongst participants. You don’t want to get stuck within your own thinking frames.

4. Be mindful of the planning

Lectures/seminars with room for discussion can run late. It is up to you, as presenter, to stick to the planning that you have made. That doesn’t just prevent you from running enormously late, it also makes for a structured, productive and valuable group discussion. Preparation is key!


Presentation type 8.

Keynote presentation

Last but not least willen we het met je hebben over de keynote presentatie, een presentatie die vaak wordt gegeven door (professionele) sprekers die gewend zijn voor een groot publiek te staan. Een keynote presentatie is dan ook een echte performance.


A keynote presentation is a motivating, informative presentation that sets the theme of an event (such as an award show, conference or graduation). Keynotes are often given by famous/well-known speakers, such as CEO’s and celebrities. A keynote usually contains a lot of storytelling and revolves around a theme.

The structure

A typical keynote presentation consists of:

  • An introduction in which the theme of the keynote is presented and the speaker introduces himself.

  • Discussing several stories that relate to the main theme of the keynote presentation, in which context is given and the main theme is supported.

  • The conclusion of the keynote, which often consists of a conclusion regarding the main theme. Often, the most important lessons that the audience can learn from the keynote are shared.

Tips for creating a keynote presentation

1. Make it personal, approachable and vulnerable

A keynote has the most impact on the target audience when you share your message by means of a story. That doesn’t only create recognition, but it can also inspire/motivate. It can be one story, but it can also be multiple stories that contribute to the same message. These stories make you as a speaker more approachable and vulnerable, which allows your audience to bond with you. By showing vulnerability, you have a better chance of the audience recognizing your story and, in that way, reaching out to them. More engagement ensures that you can convey your message in a stronger way, so put yourself out there and make it personal. If you build your presentation around personal, vulnerable stories, you can create a powerful presence and make sure your message will stick with your audience.

2. Don’t turn your presentation into a cheat sheet

Of course you want to create a structured keynote and prevent having to improvise. But writing down your presentation word for word on your slides will not lead to creating a unique, authentic experience. Therefore, please don’t turn your presentation into a cheat sheet by giving your audience an overload of information, but create markers for yourself that support your story and leave room for movement within your story. In that way, you can adapt to the target audience in front of you without overwhelming them.

3. Practice makes perfect

Een goede keynote raakt de doelgroep op een persoonlijk niveau en daarvoor moet je met hen in contact kunnen komen. Door kwetsbaarheid te tonen is de kans groter dat je doelgroep zich beter in jouw verhaal kan vinden en kun je zo contact met hen maken. Meer betrokkenheid zorgt ervoor dat jouw boodschap sterker overkomt, dus durf je kwetsbaar op te stellen en maak het echt persoonlijk.


Of course, there are other types of presentations that we haven’t dicussed yet, but certainly have a different form, time and target audience. You can think of:

Get started with your presentation

Do you want to get started on one of these presentations and can you use some help? Or do you want to create a presentation, but are you not sure on the form of the presentation yet? Contact us to discuss the possibilities!