Home » Prezi is Rocking, PowerPoint is Porn and more innovations!

Prezi is Rocking, PowerPoint is Porn
and more innovations.

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It has already been more than half a year ago since Present Savvy was named ‘Prezi Expert’ and, ever since then, we have been updated on all exciting and promising developments within the tool. We wrote about Prezi Augmented Reality before, a tool on which they have been working for quite some time behind the scenes. In our blog ‘What about Prezi?’ we briefly told you about the possibilities and opportunities. Exciting new development will be launched soon!

PowerPoint integration in Prezi


Prezi has been working on great innovations and the development/optimising of the Prezi product. PowerPoint integration in Prezi has been a fact (as discussed in our ‘Next Tools & Trends’-blog). Our clients and Prezi fans can get really excited, because this tool has finally been made available, so now you can finally convert PowerPoint presentations to Prezi – how convenient! It doesn’t only save you lots of time when manually converting your presentation, it also gives you way more options when it comes to the design. Also, Prezi expanded their design features hugely. Drag and drop photography, quickly changing colours and how about their library of templates? You can quickly create an attractive, effective presentation with these new features. No more excuses for boring presentations, that is!

PowerPoint is porn

Almost everyone is familiar with the old, trusted PowerPoint, but the design possibilities are much more extensive than they were a couple of years ago. Therefore, you can do much more than simply create a basic presentation with this Microsoft-tool, especially with the introduction of some new applications.

Automatic design suggestions in PowerPoint

When you are really lost for creativity when designing your presentation, you used to be able to just pick a PowerPoint template to help you get started. The designs aren’t exactly spectacular, but make sure that you progress beyond your simple black-and-white slides. Now, PowerPoint has developed an application through which you can take your PowerPoint design to the next level. You can opt for ‘Design suggestions’ in the menu, which offers you suggestions for the design of your slides. In this way, you can quickly create an attractive presentation.

Besides design options, you also receive suggestions for how to arrange the content on your slides; there are eight different options for arranging the content on your slide. Thanks to this option, you can also fully integrate your icons into the design of your PowerPoint.

Thanks to the new transitions, you can communicate certain content more effectively. That allows you to easily take your PowerPoint to the next level. Think of using animations, zoom elements and PowerPoint Morphe, a tool which you can use to zoom in on an element (linked to the subject of your presentation) and let it flow to the next slides in a different shape (see video). In this way, you can use the metaphor that is important in your presentation various times in a strong way. Who said you need to be a ‘professionally skilled presentation designer’ to create a cool presentation?

3D PowerPoint

Another cool option that PowerPoint has recently added to its tool is 3D PowerPoint. With this amazing tool, you can create a whole other world and present in a totally different way. It enables you to place 3D-objects into the PowerPoint to create an extra dimension within your presentation. It’s not only perfect for showing a model or product, but also for creating a ‘next level’ design.

Our learnings: With this tool, you have to take into account that you need the newest version of PowerPoint to be able to show the presentation; while testing with an older version, this created some issues. Also, it is important that the memory on your computer is big enough, otherwise your computer won’t be able to handle showing the presentation. Other than that, this is a super cool addition that can definitely be called an enhancement for the world of presentations.